Top Five Personal Finance Books

Looking to grow your financial knowledge? If you are looking to become better with your personal finance, a great way to start is by opening up a book. There are so many books out there today that can help you jump start your personal finance journey. In these books, money experts spill their secret of how to become financially successful and gain financial stability. Check out our top 5 books about personal finance below:

I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

This is a great read if you are looking to answer questions about general finance. This book covers a lot of different financial topics. In this book by Ramit Sethi, you’ll get tips about how to improve your credit card score, how to invest, and more. One topic this book covers is how to budget. I Will Teach You to be Rich lays out a great template for how to set up a budget. It also talks about how you can set up separate savings accounts for different things. This can help motivate you to save more money for a specific category.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Another great read is Rich Dad, Poor Dad. This book explores the author’s experience growing up with a father who was well educated but could never get ahead- otherwise known as his “poor dad”. He refers to his “rich dad,” as his friend’s father. In the book, he compares what he learns about money from his “poor dad” and his “rich dad.” His friend’s father understood the rules of money and later goes on to become one of the richest men in Hawaii.

One of the key takeaways from this book is to become wealthy, one needs to have more assets than liabilities. For example, a car is a liability, whereas a rental property is an asset. The author says that the wealthy learn to spend their earnings on things that are going to earn them more money. He compares this to the poor and middle class that tend to spend their money on liabilities, which are not going to earn them any more money in the long run. This is one of the best selling personal finance books of all time so make sure to add it to your reading list!

Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss

If you are looking to earn more and work less, this might be the book for you. The Four Hour Work Week forces you to look outside the typical 9-5 box we often place ourselves in. This book shows you that there are other options to earn income besides just this. It gives you a blueprint for creating passive streams of income and shows you how to become more efficient with your time and money. This book also tells how you can work efficiently to maximize your time, and it touches on how to become more productive.

The Money Tree by Chris Guillebeau

The Money Tree is another book that you need to add to your list. This is the author’s first fictional book. It follows the character Jake, who goes through his own individual personal finance journey. He talks about his strategies to establish something of his own. It looks at how he is able to make money on his various side hustles such as selling things on ebay like text books. This is a great read if you are looking for a fiction book with many money saving takeaways.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is another great read that breaks the stigma, “it takes money to make money.” The author, Napoleon Hill gathers interviews from some of the world’s most successful people to see how they made it where they are. What he finds is that there is more to becoming wealthy than what meets the eye. In order to become successful, you need to have drive and determination. The book also talks about the law of attraction and how people are able to manifest their wealth. The book truly shows that if you put your mind to it, you are able to see success.

Be sure to check out these books the next time you are wanting to learn more about your personal finances. There are many other books out there that offer a wealth of knowledge on this topic. As always, happy reading!