Advance Financial no longer offers services including check cashing, bill pay, free money orders, prepaid cards, ATM, Western Union and Bitcoin.

Advance Financial Donates $1000 To Celebrate The Opening Of Their Newest Store

Advance Financial celebrates the opening of sixth store in West Tennessee, donates $1000 to Covington’s Boys & Girls Club. Nov 26, 2018 | Covington, Tennessee Nashville based FinTech company Advance Financial recently opened its sixth store in West Tennessee. The store is located at 416N. Highway 51 and is now open for business 24/7/365. The company is one of the few offering financial services such as money orders, prepaid cards, cash checking, wire transfers, etc. around the clock. To commemorate the opening of this store, Advance Financial donated $1000 to the Boys and Girls Club of Covington. Shantrelle Johnson, Vice President of Corporate Citizenship for Advance Financial, said, “The communities surrounding us are very important to us. Through our foundation, we provide extra support to such organizations.” He further added that the company was thrilled to contribute to the Covington’s Boys & Girls Club. Since its inception in 2014, the AF Foundation has invested in the communities it serves by providing support to 501(c)3 organizations and community enrichment programmes. AF particularly focuses on education and health initiatives. About The Company Advance Financial was founded in 1996 to address the lack of flexible lending products in Tennessee. The company is family-owned and operated, and is based out of Nashville. True to its belief in providing first-rate customer service, AF provides instant lending decisions through its website and financial services through its stores 24/7 all year round.  The company has been named to the Inc. 5000 list for seven times in a row and has also made it into Forbes 2018 list of the ‘Best Employers for New Graduates.’